Non-GMO foods are free from techniques used to alter their molecular or cell biology. Consumers are aware of heath attributes in the food they eat and are looking for foods that have not been genetically modified. With the growing demand for healthier food choices Russet House offers Non-GMO sweet potato fries packed for your Private Brand.
NON-GMO Sweet Potato Fries are available in both retail and food service.
Available in:
- 3/8 Straight Cut
- 1/2 inch Crinkle
- 5/16 Straight Cut
- Shoe String
- Wedges

Sweet Potato Fries
Russet House exceeds your expectations with its selection of non-GMO sweet potato fries with a simple list of ingredients.
They are available in retail and foodservice size, under your brand name.

Sweet Potato Wedges
All the flavor of a baked sweet potato in a tasty, crispy Non-GMO gluten-free wedge.

Diced Sweet Potato
Russet House exceeds your expectations with delicious and unique sweet potato products, in the cuts and size you need.

Sweet Potato Diced Fried and Coated
Coated in a Gluten-Free rice batter, these unique dice are available for the retail market and for the foodservice.
Regardless of how you chose to cook them, in the oven or in the fryer, they will beautifully fit next to any vegetable side-dish and may very well find a great place on a breakfast platter.